TO BE UNDERSTOOD (2021) Video Art
To be understood is a desire. It’s the unfulfilled desire to materialize your encrypted images through the listening of another person
Playground Festival, the German-Israeli Future Forum Foundation, 2021
TO BE UNDERSTOOD (2021) Video Art
Lotte Dohmen and Raz Liz Digmi are working with a text that was sent by the other, written in their mother tongues
The information that is lost on the way, the misunderstandings through translation and the gaps in interpersonal communication is what interests them.
Like a waiting room, held in suspense between here and there, between the body of your imagination and the clarity of daylight.
To Be Understood, 2021, Diptych, (8 min)
Installation view 01
Installation view 02
In collaboration with Lotte Dohmen
Translation from German | Michelle Raitses
Music | Emilio de Benito, Granada
This video is a German-Israeli creative adventure, created for the People to People Playground Festival, 2021